family lived in Darien in the 1850 Census:
1850 Census: Film 432-507 Page 321 The Town of Darien, Co. of Genesee,
New York. July ___?__3 days.
35-35 James J. Latson 31 yrs. born NY Shoemaker
Charlotte Latson 28 yrs. born NY
Julia E. Latson 07 yrs. born
NY (should be Emerline)
William A. Latson 04 yrs. born NY
Mary H. Latson 02 yrs.
born NY
Harriet E. Latson 3/12
born NY
other children:
1852-Sarah A. Latson was born NY (Darien, Genesee Co. NY)
1855-twins-Franklyn James & Francis Latson were born December
22, 1855
Auburn, Indiana
Joel H. Latson born March 1858 Auburn, Indiana
parents were William & Hannah (Valleau)Latson Thomas.
I am trying to find information about William Latson. His first
child Mary
Ann (Latson) Walsworth was born 1803 NY. I was told William
was in the war
of 1812.
Children of William Latson & Hannah (Valleau) Latson Thomas
Mary Ann b. 1803 NY (married Levi Walsworth)
Stephen b. 1807 NY (married Abigal)
Sarah A. b. 1812 NY (married Daniel A. Altenburg)
James J. b. June 2, 1819 NY (married Charlotte Rowley)
Cynthia b. August 29, 1820 NY(need to prove) married John
Hannah b. August 09, 1824 NY(married William Valleau)(Moved
to Auburn, Indiana with brother James J.
& her mother Hannah Thomas. between 1852-1855).
Isaac? (need to prove)
They all lived in Auburn,DeKalb Co., Indiana.
Latson children are back row:
Joel Latson-Francis Latson-Franklyn Latson-?
1st. row ?-?.

James & Charlotte Latson Family picture names are:
back row: ?-Francis-Franklyn-Alda-Joel
1st row: ?-?-James-Charlotte (Rowley)-William-?

Smith 10753 Orban Rd. Grass Lake, Michigan 49240
email me at- tvirman@sbcglobal.net
A copy of the pictures were given to me by Jean Margaret Sackrider,
a 1st. cousin.
John Thomas was married to Hannah (Valleau) Latson when he died.
It was his second marriage. His first wife was Sophia. William Latson
was Hannah's first husband. Late of the Town of Darien in said County
Deceased Genesee County (JP-?):
Thomas Riddle of the Town of Darien in said county, being duly sworn
doth depose and say, that he received the instrument in writing
bearing date the Eighteenth day of June Eighteen hundred and Fifty
two, purporting to be the last will and testament of JOHN THOMAS
deceased, from the said: John Thomas immediately after the same
was executed.That the said instrument remained in the custody of
said deponent until he delivered the same to Stoughton Stickney,
who brought the same to the office of the County Judge of the said
County of Genesee, where the same was deposited for Probate, and
that whilst the said instrument remained in his custody, the same
was in no respect altered or changed.
Subscribed and Sworn this 29th day of November 1852 before me.
Thomas Riddle
Edgar C. Dibble Judge of Genesee County
County of Genesee Surrogated Court
In the matter of proving the last Will and Testament of John Thomas
late of the Town of Darien in said County Deceased Genesee County
(JP ?): Stoughton Stickney of the Town of Darien in said County,
being duly sworn doth depose and say that he received the instrument
in writing bearing date the eighteenth day of June eighteen hundred
and fifty two, purporting to be the Last Will and testament of John
Thomas deceased, from Thomas Riddle on or about the first day of
October after the same was executed. That the said instrument remained
in the custody of this deponent until he brought the same to the
office of the County Judge of the said County of Genesee, where
the same was deposited for Probate, and that whilst the said instrument
remained in his custody, the same was in no respect altered or changed.
Subscribed and Sworn this 29th day of November 1852 before me.
Stoughton Stickney
Edgar C. Dibble
Judge of Genesee County County of Genesee Surrogated Court (JP?):
Be it remembered that at a Surrogated Court held at Batavia in and
for the County of Genesee on the Twenty ninth day of November 1852
before the Honorable Edgar C. Dibble County Judge, the Last Will
and Testament of John Thomas late of the Town of Darien in said
County deceased of which the preceding record is a true copy, was
admitted to be proved and recorded as a will of real and personal
estate, after citation to the heirs and next of kin to the said
deceased, had been issued, served, returned and filed according
to the law requiring them to appear before the County Judge to attend
the proof of the said will and after the return and filing of the
said citation with proof of the due service thereof. The said will
was produced in the said court before the said County Judge and
the preceeding depositions of witnesses following the record of
said will were taken to establish the genuineness and validity of
the said will for the purpose of having the same proved and recorded
as a will of real and personal estate. And I do hereby certify the
preceeding to be a true record of the Last Will and Testament of
the Last Will and Testament of the said John Thomas deceased together
with the proofs, proceedings and examination had and taken therein
on admitting the same to be proved and recorded as a will of real
and personal estate, pursuant to the statute in such case made and
provided, and that the same were recorded and examined and the record
is hereby signed and certified by me this Twenty ninth day of November,
Edgar C. Dibble
County Judge and Surrogate of the County of Genesee
I John Thomas of Darien in the County of Genesee and state of New
York of the age of seventy one years and being of sound mind and
memory, do make, publish and declare that my Last Will and Testament
in the manner following - I give and bequeath unto my wife Hannah,
my household goods and furniture - excepting and reserving therefrom
the goods and furniture belonging to me previous to my marriage
to my said wife Hannah - also I further give and bequeath unto my
said wife Hannah, the sum of Two hundred and Fifty dollars, or one
half of one third part of what my real estate may sell for should
the same be sold in order to pay legacies - to be accepted and received
by her in lieu of dowery - payable in the course of one year after
my decease. I give and bequeath unto my daughters, Cyrenia, wife
of Ethan Sanders, and Sophronia, wife of Stoughton Stickney, the
sum of one hundred dollars cash payable in two years from my decease.
I give and bequeath unto my other daughter, Volucia, the sum of
one hundred and thirty dollars payable within the term of two years
from my decease.
I further give and bequeath unto my said three daughters, the household
goods and furniture owned by me before my marriage with my said
wife Hannah, to be divided equally between them share and share
I give and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my peronal
estate goods and chattels of what nature or kind the same may be
to my two sons John and George, to be divided equally between them,
share and share alike. I further give and divide to my said sons,
John and George, their heirs and assigned, my real estate consisting
of the home farm and being part of Lot number Twenty Six in the
Eleventh Township and Third Range, containing seventy five acres
be the same more or less. Also part of Lot number Thirty three in
said Township and Range containing twenty five acres be the same
more or less being the north half of fifty acres deeded to me by
the Farmers Loan and Trust Company together with all the hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining.
To have and to hold the presented above described to the said John
Thomas and George Thomas, their heirs and assigned forever. Subject
to, and chargeable with the payment of the legacy to my said wife
Hannah. Should she accept the same in lieu of dowery and the legacies
or sums given to my said daughters Cyrenia, Sophronia and Volucia.
I do hereby nominate and appoint my son-in-law Stoughton Stickney
Executor of this my last will and testament.
And lastly I will and ordain, that the executor of this my last
will and testament for the purpose of paying the legacies or sums
of money herein before bequeathed - should the same or any part
thereof remain unpaid, or not be otherwise satisfactorily discharged
by my said sons John and George, shall with all convenient speed,
after two years from my decease bargain, sell and alien in fee simple
my real estate herein before decided to my said sons John and George
for the doing, executing and perfect finishing whereof, I do by
these presents give to my said executor and his executor or executors
full power and authority to grant alien, bargain, sell, _________
and assure the same to any person or persons, and their heirs forever
in fee simple, by all and every such lawful ways and means in the
law, as to my paid executor, or his executors shall deem fit or
necessary. And after paying the said sum or legacies and the necessary
expense of the sale the residue to be paid to and equally divided
between my said sons John and George. In witness whereof i have
hereunto set my hand and seal the Eighteenth day of June One Thousand
Eight hundred and Fifty two.
John Thomas (S.S.)
The above instrument consisting of this half sheet was at the date
thereof declared to us by John Thomas, the Testator therein mentioned
to be his Last Will and Testament, and at the same time at his request
and in his presence, and in the presence of each of us have subscribed
our names thereto as witnesses and that the said testator signed
and sealed the same.
Thomas Riddle Darien Genesee Co.
Horace ? Chapin Darien Genesee Co.
County of Genesee Surrogated Court
In the matter of proving the Last Will and Testament of John Thomas
late of the Town of Darien in the County of Genesee
Deceased County of Genesee (JP?):
Thomas Riddle and Horace ? Chapin of the Town of Darien in the County
of Genesee aforesaid, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that
they are subscribing witnesses to the Last Will and Testament of
John Thomas, late of the Town of Darien in the County of Genesee,
aforesaid deceased. And these deponents further say that the said
John Thomas, the said testator, did in the presence of these deponents
subscribe his name at the end of the instrument which is now shown
and exhibited to these deponents and which purported to be the Last
Will and Testament of the said John Thomas and which heard date
on the Eighteenth day of June in the year of our Lord One Thousand
eight hundred and fifty two and these deponents further say that
the said testator, did, at the said time of subscribing his name
as aforesaid, at the end of the said will, declare the said instrument
so subscribed and now exhibited, to be his last will and testament;
and these deponents did thereupon subscribe their names at the end
of said will, as attesting witnesses thereto, in the presence and
at the request of said testator. And these deponents further say
that at the said time when the said testator subscribed his name
to the last Will as aforesaid, and at the time of these deponents
subscribing their names as attesting witnesses thereto as aforesaid.
The said testator was sound of mind and memory, of full age to execute
a will, and was not under any restraint. And that the said will
now appears in all respects as when so executed, without any alteration
Thomas Riddle
Subscribed and Sworn this 29th day of November 1852 before me Horace
? Chapin
Edgar C. Dibble Judge of Genesee County
County of Genesee Surrogated Court
In the matter of proving the Last Will and Testament of John Thomas.
Ordered from Sampubco 12/2001-by Virginia M. Smith of Grass Lake,
Michigan. Written out by Dolores E. Radford of Kokomo, Indiana
THOMAS born: about 1781 New York died: September 20, 1852 Darien,
Genesee co. NY Age 71 6m 17d (Stone down)
Wife: SOPHIA born: about 1781 died: November 3, 1833 Darien, Genesee
Co. NY age 52 Both buried in Darien Cemetery Town of Darien Genesee
co. NY Located on the north side of US route 20, (Broadway) 1/2
mile west of NY Route 238-Some of the children's dates are also
listed on your Cemetery Records for Darien. Children of John Thomas
& Sophia are:
(Stoughton Stickney) 4. VOLUCIA THOMAS 5. LOUISA 6. GEORGE THOMAS.
The following is the 1850 census for Darien: Hannah Thomas son,
James J. Latson lived near her and her daughter Hannah Valleau (Wm.
Vallleau) lived with her & John Thomas. In 1854, Hannah "Valleau"
Latson Thomas moved to Auburn, Indiana with her children. Hannah
maiden name was Valleau and her daughter Hannah Latson married a
William Valleau. A little confusing.
Found 2/1997
1850 Census 432-507 Film 055 M432-507 Pg. 321 The Town of Darien,
Co. of Genesee New York July ___3rd. day 1850
James J. Latson Shoemaker 31 b. NY
Charlotte (wife) 28 b. NY
Julia E. age 7 b. NY (Emerline)
William A. 4 b. NY
Mary H. 2 b. NY
Harriet E. 3/12 b. NY
same page 161 38-38-1850 Census Darien, NY
John Thomas 69 b. NY
Hannah Thomas 63 b. NY
George Thomas 26 b. NY
Hannah Valleau 25 b. NY
Mary H. Valleau 2 b. NY
Ann Thomas 22 b. England
Wm. Thomas 2 b. NY
Children of William Latson & Hannah "Valleau" Latson:1. Mary
Ann (Levi Walsworth 2. Stephen (Abigal) 3. Sarah A. (Daniel A. Altenburg),
4.James J. (Charlotte W. Rowley) 5. Cynthia (John Symonds) (still
need proof) 6. Hannah (Wm. Valleau).
Compiler: Virginia M. Smith, 423 Lockwood, Jackson, Michigan
email: mintway88@comcast.net